Fr. Ron Pytel Admitted to Molesting Teenager

The recollection described below was first discussed with an acquaintance of Fr. Ron Pytel at a breakfast meeting in the Baltimore area on April 11, 2011. According to the source, Fr. Pytel bragged about his sexual misconduct with a teenager at a gathering of friends a few years after the misconduct took place. This evening, we received the following statement (via email) from that source:

“I knew Fr. Ron Pytel many years ago. I recall him telling me, with his partner Fr. Larry Gesy present, that he sexually abused [ Name Withheld ] one summer years ago.  Ron explained that it created an uproar when the teenager returned home and explained what happened to him.  Ron explained that he ‘got away with it’ by denying it all after being confronted on the facts of the matter. Ron attempted to explain to me that the young man had consented to all of this. When I saw this website, I felt compelled to relate this recollection in hopes of helping anyone who may have been abused by Ron to come forward.”

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