Did Sr. Faustina prophesize a simulcasted celebration?

On a personal note, John Paul II was deeply moved at the canonization of his beloved Sister Faustina. “This is the happiest day of my life,” the Pope reportedly told Dr. Valentin Fuster on the day of the canonization. Dr. Valentin was the cardiologist who investigated the healing of Fr. Ron Pytel, which was recognized as the miracle needed for the canonization of Faustina. The doctor was one of the principal guests at a buffet held at the Vatican after the canonization.

Finally, concerning Faustina’s canonization, it’s fascinating that one of her prophecies appears to have been fulfilled. The canonization was celebrated concurrently in Rome and at St. Faustina’s convent chapel in Lagiewniki, Poland. At both locations, large screen televisions were set up for a simulcast — with live images shared simultaneously by those celebrating.

Many people believe that Sr. Faustina prophesied this simulcast celebration in a vision back in 1937:

  • I took part in [a] solemn celebration simultaneously here [in Lagiewniki] and in Rome, for the celebration was so closely connected with Rome that, even as I write, I cannot distinguish between the two, but I am writing it down as I saw it. … The crowd was so enormous that the eye could not take it all in. … The same celebration was held in Rome, in a beautiful church, and the Holy Father, with all the clergy, was celebrating this Feast [of Mercy] (Diary, 1044).

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