Cardiologist Moved by St. Faustina

If there was ever any doubt in Dr. Valentin Fuster’s mind about the fairness and accuracy of the Vatican’s process for evaluating miracles, those doubts are gone.

The world-renowned cardiologist from Mount Sinai’s School of Medicine in New York City, sat on a panel of doctors that reviewed Fr. Ron Pytel’s healing through Faustina’s intercession. The panel concluded last November that there was no medical explanation for Fr. Ron’s healing. This cleared the way for a panel of theologians to review the case. That panel decided that the healing was a miracle. Its findings were accepted by Pope John Paul II last December.

While not skeptical of the Vatican’s process for evaluating miracles, Dr. Fuster says he was unsure what to expect. “I was impressed by the whole setting here in the United States and at the Vatican about the case,” he explains. “The most impressive thing was that I felt no pressure to make the decision that this healing was a miracle.”

While preparing for his work on the panel, Dr. Fuster had the opportunity to read about St. Faustina’s life and her writings. He says he was genuinely moved. “There’s no question that she influenced me,” he says. “I was very impressed with what she did and how she trusted the Lord.”


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